The greatest scam…

06 Jan

The greatest scam in living memory apart from the great Climate Change scam is of course the collapse of the banks. They didn’t have any money left from the imaginary money they had created.

Let me give you an example. Six business owner guys are having a few cash flow problems. They meet up in the pub and discuss the problem. One of them (A) says he has an idea. He will write a cheque for £5000 for (B) who will pay it into his account and then write a cheque for £5000 to (C) who will pay it into his account and then write a cheque for £5000 for (D) who will pay it into his account and then write a cheque for (E) who will pay it into his account and then write a cheque for (F). They will all pay in the cheques in on the same day and they will have 5 days before the cheques will be taken out of their own bank account. On day 5 they do the same again but for a different member of the “cartel” and so on it goes.

Then for some reason one of them fails to pay in a cheque as he is required to. The whole system comes crashing down. It used to be called cross firing and the banks didn’t like at all. This was before computers were used to more effect in banks.

This happened in real life by the biggest and no so biggest banks in the world. But not in every country though.

In the UK the banks went boom. But no matter because the government either put in your money or they borrowed money in your name to make sure the banks stayed afloat.

Iceland didn’t. They let their banks go down the tubes.

So there we have a it. A giant scam. The shares that the taxpayer got are being sold at less than the amount they were worth. Spectacular.

And we just let them.

Good grief.

But it’s okay now because Gideon says so and he knows because he’s been to university and he and his mates have loads of money.

We’re saved then. Yes we are saved as far as having to put up with a situation we didn’t create by a bunch of bankers who ripped us off and continue to do so.

Yeah right!

Life in the UK under a Westminster Government.


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